Off to the Gulf of Finland!

Hello Everyone!    Thank you for all of your prayers and support. My last two weeks in Novgorod were challenging, but good. I spent a lot of the time at the TB center and serving alongside the team from Armenia. The team from Armenia arrived on the third of July and I went to meet them for lunch. On the Fourth of July I spent most of the day with the team. They were planning what to do with the kids at the TB center and taught me a dance and a skit that we could use for ministry. In … Continue reading

Interns: A birthday blessing!

Hello everyone! Since the last time we have talked to you a lot has been going on. We went to St. Petersburg to celebrate the cook from camps birthday. It was a beautiful birthday celebration that started off with just us and her family eating, which then turned into a seven hour meal consisting of talking and more friends from camp showing up. Last time we were with her family SunErgos blessed her with some money for her daughters medical treatment and other things that they needed. Before dinner started she showed us all the clothes she bought and made … Continue reading

Interns: Serving in Novgorod

Hello friends and family! This week we started our work at the Tuberculosis Hospital and we have already fallen in love with every child there. We have been telling bible stories, playing games, and doing crafts. The center has a bunch of characters that are just crazy little kids to be around, but that is one of the reasons why we love them so much! Today we went on a boat ride with them and they were all so excited and mesmerized at the water and the boat. They loved it so much and it was so much fun experiencing … Continue reading

Interns: In Novgorod!

We are now in Novgorod! But the last days in St. Petersburg were not to be forgotten . Some of our new amazing friends from camp met up with us in the city to show us what their city was about. The bus driver from camp took us on an amazing night tour of the city. We also were invited to the cook from camps house for an amazing dinner with her and her daughter. It was such a great time and we felt so blessed that God had placed these wonderful people in our lives. We also worked at … Continue reading

Interns: Back in the city

We just got back from our second session of camp and feel so blessed to have been a part of something so amazing. This week we worked with a 9 year old boy with autism and he stole our hearts. We were convinced by the fifth day that we were taking him back to America with us. This week was more difficult than the last because of the weather and our boy. What a sweet boy he was, but when he would get scared or upset he would have tantrums that were very hard to control. Helping him to calm … Continue reading