Interns: A birthday blessing!

Hello everyone!

Since the last time we have talked to you a lot has been going on. We went to St. Petersburg to celebrate the cook from camps birthday. It was a beautiful birthday celebration that started off with just us and her family eating, which then turned into a seven hour meal consisting of talking and more friends from camp showing up.

Last time we were with her family SunErgos blessed her with some money for her daughters medical treatment and other things that they needed. Before dinner started she showed us all the clothes she bought and made for her and her daughter with some of the money. The smile on her face was unbelievable, she is so talented and was so proud of the work that she got to do. It was such an amazing feeling seeing how God can provide and it can bring people so much joy.

She ended the night with telling us that she loved us like her daughters and we are always welcomed into her home, also that she will find us Russian husbands ( we don’t really know about that one) but all in all it was one of the best birthdays we have ever experienced. We are so happy that God has given us a new Russian mom/friend that we will always love and treasure.

We then returned to Novgorod, where all week we have been working at the transit center and the tb center. Everyday God has shown us how much our love for these children has grown. They are such wonderful kids that are all unique and amazing blessings from God.

The transit center is full of kids who we recently found out are mostly all going to orphanages soon. This completely broke our hearts. They are so unbelievably wonderful, some of their parents just do not want them or they are taken by the government because of family conditions. We love every single one of those kids and we would love for everyone to pray for them in that they will find homes and if they do go to the orphanage that they won’t feel like just a number, they will be valued and cherished.

Please pray for every child at the transit center and tb center. We have another week with these wonderful kids and we are so excited! We love you and miss you all! Thanks for all your support!

Love, Savannah and Shannon

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One Response to Interns: A birthday blessing!

  1. Wendy Seiple says:

    You girls make my heart proud! Enjoy your last days. You are loved and missed. Mom

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