Interns: Last week in Novgorod

Hello everyone! This week we worked at the tb center. We have gotten to know the three oldest girls at the center very well. Two days ago we took half the day to sit with the girls to talk and then do nails and hair. We then took them and an older boy from the center out for ice cream and an evening out on the town. It was too much fun and we fell so blessed to have gotten to know these girls so well. We have made great friends here and never will forget them. What a wonderful … Continue reading

Interns: A birthday blessing!

Hello everyone! Since the last time we have talked to you a lot has been going on. We went to St. Petersburg to celebrate the cook from camps birthday. It was a beautiful birthday celebration that started off with just us and her family eating, which then turned into a seven hour meal consisting of talking and more friends from camp showing up. Last time we were with her family SunErgos blessed her with some money for her daughters medical treatment and other things that they needed. Before dinner started she showed us all the clothes she bought and made … Continue reading

Vanguard: Saying goodbye

What an amazing journey it has been! For the entire team, the past three days have been a time full of both joy and sadness; laughter and tears. In only two weeks, the young souls at the TB center have openly embraced us as family and our time with them has been precious. On Wednesday morning, the team and the kids took a walk through the Kremlin (the Novgorod Kremlin, Dad), where we took a team picture in front of the memorial. We then proceeded through the other end, where a ferry awaited in the river on the outskirts. Upon … Continue reading

Vanguard: The joy on their faces is all the thanks we need!

After a long but exciting first week with the children at the center, it was break time. Sunday we had the wonderful opportunity to tour the Kremlin, and hit the mall, due to some curious ladies, and some men on the team as well. Majority of us were shocked to find that by the end of the weekend, we were almost as exhausted as when it started on Friday night, but we were more then prepared for the upcoming week filled with outings, lessons, crafts, skits, and the closing ceremonies. Monday was the start of our second week here with … Continue reading

Vanguard: Getting ready for the second week of camp.

One week of ministry has ended with immense enthusiasm, while another waits. The first week at the TB Center encompassed the establishment of our Olympics theme, which involved having the children make Olympic rings, which were then hung up around the activities room. We also built up joy and excitement among them through a number of outside games, including relays and some of their own games graciously taught to us. Accompanying the Olympic theme came Biblical lessons dealing with the Creation account and the story of King David. Because of the limited attention span of the younger kids (which encompass … Continue reading