Is There Hope For Nastya?

Seeing the fear and confusion on Nastya’s face makes you wonder if there is any hope in that little girl’s heart. At ten years old, Nastya is forced to grow up and become the “Mom” for her younger brother.

Growing up in a home where the mother drank and the father was in prison, Nastya very quickly learned to take care of herself. But when she was infected with Tuberculosis and taken to a Children’s Center for TB, Nastya grew shy and withdrew into herself.

Staying at the Children’s Center for over a year transformed this little girl into a young lady who shines from within. Her gentle spirit became bold through the SunErgos Mission Teams at the Center. Nastya wanted to know all she could about a Jesus that adored her and called her His daughter.

But when she went home something horrifying happened. Her father returned from prison, got very drunk and in front of the kids, murdered the mother. Within seconds Nastya’s world turned upside down. Once again she became that little girl with fear and confusion in her eyes. “How can a God that adores me let this happen?” she asks.

SunErgos Staff keeps in touch with Nastya and provides the basic necessities for her and her brother.

Participate in the fund “Hope for Nastya”, click here.

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