“Because of SunErgos, my attitude towards ministry has changed completely. Serving alongside SunErgos was the best thing I have done to help shape my future outlook on ministry.” 2010 Intern
Ukraine Ministry & Relief Aid
PRAY ferociously! GIVE generously! We are raising funds for SunErgos International ministries in Ukraine.As of December 2021, SunErgos partners with a local church in Ukraine. Working with at risk children, extremely poor families, and elderly.SunErgos staff continues to visit the nearby villages that were bombed at the beginning of the conflict in 2014, and were
To be an Orphan with HIV
SunErgos works with an HIV/AIDS baby orphanage. Many of the children coming into the baby orphanage have been abandoned at hospitals, police stations, or left to die in dark alleys or dumpsters. These children are not only born with HIV, but have often inherited their mother’s drug and/or alcohol addiction.
Abandoned and Neglected: The life of a social orphan
A social orphan is a child that has at least one living parent, but has either been abandoned by this parent, has runaway from home because they can no longer live in such an environment, or they have been removed from their home because the government deems it an unsafe living environment. Unlike some countries where the numbers of children orphaned remains high because of war and disease, many children in Russia are abandoned because of social issues that corrupt families.