To be an Orphan with HIV

March 1, 2017 in SunErgos NEWS

SunErgos works with an HIV/AIDS baby orphanage. Many of the children coming into the baby orphanage have been abandoned at hospitals, police stations, or left to die in dark alleys or dumpsters. These children are not only born with HIV, but have often inherited their mother’s drug and/or alcohol addiction.

Abandoned and Neglected: The life of a social orphan

February 9, 2017 in SunErgos NEWS

A social orphan is a child that has at least one living parent, but has either been abandoned by this parent, has runaway from home because they can no longer live in such an environment, or they have been removed from their home because the government deems it an unsafe living environment. Unlike some countries where the numbers of children orphaned remains high because of war and disease, many children in Russia are abandoned because of social issues that corrupt families.

Always Orphans

January 24, 2017 in SunErgos NEWS

Before the Soviet Union, before Lenin, before Stalin, Yeltsin, and Putin, the prophetic Russian author Dostoevsky, through his intellectual character Ivan Fyodorovich Karamazov, asked a question that still plagues Russia today. Ivan asked, “Listen: if everyone must suffer, in order to buy eternal harmony with their suffering, pray tell me what have children got to do with it? It’s quite incomprehensible why they should have to suffer, and why they should buy harmony with their suffering.”

Why me?

January 8, 2017 in SunErgosMarch

The question should not be – “Why me? The question should be – “Why not me?”

Share Hope!

May 25, 2016 in SunErgosMarch

A Christ like example will be exemplified through the teams, as they share stories, do colorful crafts and fun games with the kids and teens.

Share Food!

May 9, 2016 in SunErgosMarch

Feed an Orphan! Orphans on the streets, living in  the sewers, digging in the dumpsters with the dogs, to get some food. With your help, we can provide food to
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International Children’s Day

May 31, 2014 in Projects, SunErgos NEWS

June 1st is International Children’s Day! Different countries celebrate their children by putting on entertainment for kids, various concerts and fairs. Each year, on June 1st, the Palace Square in
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Trafficking in Russia

February 20, 2014 in Projects

 Isaiah 1:17 reads: “Learn to do right.  Seek Justice.  Defend the oppressed.  Take up the cause of the fatherless.  Plead the case of the widow.” Trafficking is a huge problem
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Repercussion of the Adoption Ban

June 29, 2013 in SunErgos NEWS

Last week, we discussed the recent adoption ban imposed on Americans by the Russian Duma.  This  week, we will follow-up by discussing the consequence of the ban, particularly on the
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Short-Term Missions

June 5, 2013 in SunErgos NEWS

“But why should I trust a God who allowed me to be taken from my mother?” Too often, working with children is reduced to smiles, treats, and nap time.  But
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