Interns: Saying goodbye…

Hello everyone! This last couple days have been very eventful for us. We have had so much fun with the kids. We have even gotten to know the director of the TB center better. She invited us to her house for pancakes or blini as they are called in Russia. We sat for hours drinking tea, eating watermelon and Blini, and talking about God and the kids at the center. It was an amazing conversation with an amazing woman but it was also difficult. We heard a lot of the kids’ stories; and they come from very difficult circumstances. Prayers … Continue reading

Vanguard: The hugs and the laughter!

On Sunday night the team was welcomed to the rustic town of Novgorod with a hearty Russian-style dinner. Helpings of sour cream and laughter were generously passed around the table as we planned and prayed for the week ahead. Despite our worries about difficulties with the language barrier and managing the attention spans of so many little ones, it has been a week filled with blessings and growth-inspiring challenges. As a team, we have fallen in love with the communal lifestyle of this beautiful culture. We take turns in pairs doing chores in the church, taking walks through the quaint … Continue reading