Vanguard: The hugs and the laughter!

On Sunday night the team was welcomed to the rustic town of Novgorod with a hearty Russian-style dinner. Helpings of sour cream and laughter were generously passed around the table as we planned and prayed for the week ahead.

Despite our worries about difficulties with the language barrier and managing the attention spans of so many little ones, it has been a week filled with blessings and growth-inspiring challenges.

As a team, we have fallen in love with the communal lifestyle of this beautiful culture. We take turns in pairs doing chores in the church, taking walks through the quaint town, and appreciating the sights of archaic cathedrals, the white nights, stray cats and dogs, and the summer snow (cottonwood trees). We eat, sleep, wash, work, and play together in constant community, and have learned much about how to be open and flexible to the needs of the moment. At the day’s end, we also make a point of encouraging one another and noting things that different team members have done well or improved in. Please continue to pray for our team’s energy levels as the days pass, especially for each person’s physical health.

With the help of our wonderful translators, we have been able to successfully engage the children in games, crafts, and conversation. We have also discovered universal elements of communication during interactions with our new friends, or “droozya”. We have learned about as much from our energetic young charges as they have from us. So many of these beautiful children come from such hard backgrounds, and the heaviest part is knowing that these kids are just a fraction of the epidemic of at-risk youth in Russia. This clinic alone has a waiting list in the thousands.

But statistics can’t explain the joy of little Sasha’s laugh, the mischief in Danya’s and Roma’s eyes, or the warmth of one of Nadia’s many hugs. We only wish you could all spend a day here with these beautiful kids, each so responsive to giving and receiving love. Please be praying for them most of all. And be assured we will have endless photos and stories to share when we return!

Vanguard Team, written by Laila Collman

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7 Responses to Vanguard: The hugs and the laughter!

  1. Cristina Brasinikas says:

    so happy to see all of you surrounded by children of God who need the same love you were given. Praying that the harvest will be plenty… Miss you Sili… Mom and Dad

  2. Mike Remedios says:

    Love these updates–my prayer everyday is for God to impact those kids through your team, that they somehow encounter Christ through you. Keep up the good work Dave, love you!

  3. Mike Remedios says:

    Happy 21st Birthday Dave! This is a big one, and it is weird not having you here to celebrate. Have an AWESOME day, we are so proud of you! Love you and miss you.

  4. Jodi Gentry says:

    I too am so grateful for these updates!
    We are all praying for your health and well being. The photos are great and the kids are beautiful!!!
    May God richly bless you as you share His love!
    We love and miss you Joey!!!

  5. John-Justice Hill says:

    What a truly beautiful experience! Love and miss you, Laila!

  6. Jane Reynolds says:

    We love the picture with all of you and the children. Praying for seeds to be planted and/or watered. Praying for all of you to have energy, strength, health, to be filled with the Holy Spirit daily, and may God’s love be exemplified through you.
    We are proud of all of you!
    Love & Hugs to all of you!!
    We miss you & love you Chelsea & Kasey
    Dad & Mom

  7. Joann Mizutani says:

    David: Happy happy birthday. How wonderful that God has allowed you to celebate your 21st in Russia with beautiful children who are being rooted in the knowledge that they have a Heavenly Father! Your life will leave an imprint on their lives and they will love you back as I know that you pour the love of Jesus over them in your time with them!

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