TWU Team update! Last week of Ministry…

Greetings from St.Petersburg! Our time here in Russia has certainly been an enriching experience for each team member and continues to be a blessing to those we encounter. Our team has grown closer, as we have been a source of encouragement and strength for each other. As we have been here for three weeks now, a routine has come into place. It is nice to have a better understanding of our surroundings and the people we work closely with. Like the past letters, we would like to share about our week in more detail. Continue reading

California Baptist University Team – first week at orphanage

We have successfully completed one full week in St. Petersburg! We are all happy, healthy and loving our ministry. Our first day in the orphanage was a little rough, but we adapted quickly and won over the kids with multiple games of “Duck Duck Goose.” Continue reading

Trinity Western University Team update – week 2

We hope you all have been experiencing God’s many blessings- as we have!

This week our team has been able to see and experience more of St.Petersburg’s beauty. While the beauty surrounds us daily, It’s often difficult to comprehend the pain and suffering that goes on within the city (which we experience greatly at our ministry sites). We will proceed to describe our daily activities for the week in order to give you all a better understanding of how we spend our time in Russia. Continue reading

Update from CBU Team!

Hello, family and friends! The team is off to a great start and we love living in the city. It has taken us a while to adjust to the time difference, but I think we are finally on “Russian time,” as we call it. The weather is surprisingly warm, which would be a blessing if we had not packed our winter clothes, but we are thankful to have a little bit of California weather.

Training, training, training

That is what the California Baptist University has been doing their first few days.  Learning Russian history, becoming experts on the Russian people and learning how to read the signs in the underground metro. On their second day of training they went in pairs to an orthodox church.  Learning how to get there and ask information in Russian about the church’s history.