Interns: News from the Gulf of Finland

Hello everyone!

We are doing great! Exhausted but couldn’t be better! We have spent 4 days at camp by the Gulf of Finland.  Both of us are working one on one with a teen: a 15 year old girl with Down’s syndrome and 29 year old boy, who are joys to be around. It has been a tiring week but so rewarding. We think this will be one of the most exhausting months but also one of the best.

Every day we do crafts with the teens; take them for a walk on the beach and in the forest or go swimming. We take care of them all day from the time we wake up including feeding, bathing and changing.

We are also getting to know the staff of the camp very well. We got especially close to 5 German friends that we have met; they speak English which is a bonus. We are also still learning Russian here at camp, by practicing with the staff as we sit by the fire, eat and play soccer.

Thank you for all your support and prayers. We miss you all. Please praying for energy, patience and for all the kids and us to be healthy. And, for continued sunshine!

Savannah and Shannon

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4 Responses to Interns: News from the Gulf of Finland

  1. Wendy Seiple says:

    Hi girls, it is so wonderful to hear about how your doing. We are thinking of you and praying for you. Savannah, your grandparents leave tomorrow and want you to know how much they love you(me too)! Be well and God Bless. Mom

  2. Rachel Nanning says:

    Shannon and Savannah, I’m so excited and happy for you both to hear that you’re back out on the Gulf, doing what you’ve both been dreaming of, praying for, and working towards all year!! I’m so proud!! Keep smiling and working hard, I know at times it’s going be tough and that you’ll both be stretched to your limit, but know that there aren’t two girls better fit for what you’re doing than you two. You’re both so full of love, joy and especially laughter – I’ve no doubt you’re touching the lives of those around you. I’ve been keeping you both in my prayers, but now that I know you’re back at the beach, I’ll add in a few tidbits and pray for no horseflies (particularly when in the john), and that you guys get your hands on some ice cream (ok, so maybe because I want to live vicariously through you and I know it’s HOT), and that you continue to pick up Russian so you can communicate even better with those around you. Enjoy the kasha, the sun, and the kids for me! Love you guys! *HUGS*

    p.s Shannon, please extend my well wishes to those who are back at camp from last year and tell them I say hi. Also, any kids I may know give an extra hug for me! Particularly one active little girl who loves music and clapping, and one little guy who loves to give kisses on the back of the hand 😉

  3. Phil Orr says:

    Hello to both of you. I am glad to hear you are doing well. It is great that you have met the German friends that speak English. I hope the weather has gotten warmer so the swimming is more enjoyable. Bye for now, we miss you!

    Love Dad.

  4. liz Orr says:

    Hi Shanny: So proud of you. Have fun, work hard and be safe. Can’t wait till you get home and can show us pictures and tell us about your adventures. Love Aunty Liz

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