Hello everyone!
This week we worked at the tb center. We have gotten to know the three oldest girls at the center very well. Two days ago we took half the day to sit with the girls to talk and then do nails and hair. We then took them and an older boy from the center out for ice cream and an evening out on the town. It was too much fun and we fell so blessed to have gotten to know these girls so well. We have made great friends here and never will forget them. What a wonderful experience this has been and as its drawing to a close we do not want to leave. God has blessed Shannon and I with this whole experience and we want to thank you for all your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for our health and the kids. We love you and miss you all so much.
Love, Shannon and Savannah
This is Savannah, this past week has been amazing and full of great memories. One of my favorite moments of this trip, let alone this whole year, is when I went to visit my little friend from the tb center last year.
We went to his home in a village to meet his family. I honestly cannot tell you how much I had waited for this day to come all year. We became so close and I feel like he is my little Russian brother. We have written letters all year and to see him again was truly a dream come true.
When we arrived at his village we walked up and he was waiting in the window, him and his sister then ran outside and greeted us. He is so tall and his sister was one of the most precious people I have ever seen. I then met his grandparents, mother and father, and his animals. It was so amazing to see how he lives. Also, it was great to see that God has answered every single one of my prayers.
My little boy has parents that love him, he was so happy, and was able to be a kid everyday. God has kept him safe and loved all year, I honestly could not ask for anymore. God is good, that is all i can say. From this experience I know that God watches out for his children always and answers an abundant amount of prayers. I am so blessed to have my Russian friends in my life. My Russian brother and me always sign our letters love your best friend, I know that I will see my little best friend again and it was great to see that in the mean time he is in great hands.
God is good. ~ Savannah