Holding babies!

That is what the TWU team did today!  The four students spent the whole day at an HIV Baby orphanage, playing with preschoolers and making babies smile.  The kids tired out our students, but they came home filled with stories and smiles.  A full day of giving to those that have no family; kids that are outcasts in society.  This week the TWU team will spend each day at this orphanage, sharing love and laughter with the kids.

Victory Day!

On Monday Russia celebrated 65th Anniversary of the end of World War II.  Throughout the war, former Soviet Union lost over 20 million people.  Russians saw war first hand.  St Petersburg was under siege by the Germans for 3 years.  The city was cut off from the world.  No heat, no electricity, no running water, no food.  A very dark page in the history of St Petersburg.