The final days from CBU Team…

We’ve reached the final stretch of our time here in St. Petersburg. It is amazing to see how fast these three weeks have gone by. We got to do some sight-seeing yesterday and visited St. Isaac’s Cathedral and the Church of Spilled Blood. It was humbling to be inside such grandeur former places of worship. Continue reading

Team ministry – last days…

A few days left for the teams’ ministry in Russia. Both teams are finishing up their day camps at the orphanage and disability center. If you ask one of the team members: “Was it hard?” Their answer will be a definite – “Yes!” But you cannot stop there…. keep asking, “Was it worth the difficult days and the tears?” And you will hear an unanimous – “Yes!” Continue reading

More news from California Baptist University Team

The weather has changed to the cold, cloudy atmosphere that the team was preparing for back when we were packing. A few of us have come down with small colds, but are being loaded up with medication and rest. We are praying that everyone will be 100% healthy before Sunday, our last day in the orphanage. It is hard to believe we only have one week left! Continue reading

California Baptist University Team – first week at orphanage

We have successfully completed one full week in St. Petersburg! We are all happy, healthy and loving our ministry. Our first day in the orphanage was a little rough, but we adapted quickly and won over the kids with multiple games of “Duck Duck Goose.” Continue reading

Update from CBU Team!

Hello, family and friends! The team is off to a great start and we love living in the city. It has taken us a while to adjust to the time difference, but I think we are finally on “Russian time,” as we call it. The weather is surprisingly warm, which would be a blessing if we had not packed our winter clothes, but we are thankful to have a little bit of California weather.