Intern: Witnessing different types of ministry

An update from our summer intern in Novgorod:

Hello everyone, I want to start off by saying thank you for all of your prayers and support! Monday I traveled from Saint Petersburg to Novgorod, a city that is so near to my heart. After settling in, I was reunited with some very dear sisters in Christ that I had missed so much this past year! It was such a blessing to see old friends and hear about what God has been doing in their lives! They had spent time in other countries this past year doing ministry and it was a great reminder of how God is at work all over the world!

P1010538In the afternoon, I met the Novgorod team from CBU. They are a great group of girls and  I am thankful to have been able to spend some time with them! I joined them as they began their second week of camp at the same orphanage I worked in last summer. It was good to be back there, but strange to see so many different faces. The first day, I went with the teen group and spent time hanging out with them. One of the girls taught us how to make a traditional Russian dish that was very yummy. I even got to see, for a few minutes, one of the teens I worked with last summer. The next day I went with the other half of the team to spend time with the younger kids. I had fun helping some of the girls make crafts that the CBU team had prepared for them. I was able to spend time with another girl that I worked with last summer; it was so good to see her! It was a blessing to be back at the orphanage where I made so many memories last summer.

On Wednesday, however, I woke up with a head cold. I had to stay home at the church for the next few days. I was really bummed that I had to miss out on time spent with the kids. However, I used all the free time to get rested, spend extra time reading my Bible and journaling, and make a couple bracelets to give to the kids. Friday, I was able to go back to the orphanage for the team’s final day with the kids. It was a joyful celebration that I was thankful to be able to attend. I was encouraged to see what a blessing the team was to the kids at the center. Once again, even after only three days, it was hard to say goodbye to the kids. However, it is encouraging to know that the local church will continue ministering to the kids at the center. It has also been good to spend time with the CBU team! I am sad to see them go, but excited for what is ahead.

Today, I moved in with a friend from last year and her family! I spent today getting to know my friend better and preparing some things to do with the children we will be serving. I will be spending the rest of May and June here. Today we visited the TB center to talk to the teachers and see what we need to prepare. For the month of June, I will be helping out at a day camp and then going to the TB center to play with kids in the evening. I am so excited to start this new ministry!

This week please pray that I will form great relationships with the kids at camp and at the TB center. Thanks again for all of your prayers!

Blessings, Amanda

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One Response to Intern: Witnessing different types of ministry

  1. Sue Collins says:

    HI Amanda! Cute picture!!! We are looking forward to hearing about all you will be doing with the kids at the day camp and the TB Center in the coming weeks. I know you will be a blessing to them, you have so much love to give! Take care… we miss you and love you lots. Love, Mom & Dad

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