It’s hard to believe that I have been here for almost a month! Time has gone by so quickly, I still feel like I just got here. This week was very similar to last week. With the exception of Tuesday and Wednesday I went to the school camp during the day. At camp I spent time playing outside with the kids, drawing with them, or whatever else they were doing. There are a couple of them in particular that I spend most of my time with. Every night I went to the TB center and played outside with the kids. They taught me a version of dodge ball and it is their favorite game. On Friday, we took the TB center kids to the park at the center of the city. In the park there was something similar to a small petting zoo. We got to go in for free and see the animals. There was a giant snake, baby crocodile, iguana?, rabbit, monkey, and another animal that I have no idea what it was.
The kids and I really enjoyed that. Later I was able to buy them all ice cream and we played on the merry-go-round. It was a lot of fun. The kids can’t leave the center on their own, so it was great to be able to take them somewhere. On Saturday, I went with a couple of my friends from the local church and we visited some of the kids I worked with last summer. These two kids had moved to a permanent orphanage since I last saw them and are currently at a summer camp by the river. I’m glad to know that they are doing well, and enjoying their time at camp. Sunday, was one of my dear friend’s birthday. After church she invited her friend and I over to her house for a meal. It was a lot of fun to spend the afternoon with her looking at pictures from her childhood and from our time together last summer! It’s been a great week! My cough is finally gone and I am feeling so much better! God is good! I am so thankful for the opportunities I have had this week to continue building relationships with the kids and with my friends from church!
Please pray that I will have opportunities this week to talk to some of the kids one-on-one. Also, I am going to start preparing a Bible lesson and craft/game for the TB center kids a couple times a week and see how that goes. I’m not sure how interested they will be, but please pray that these activities will be received well and open up more doors for deeper conversation with the kids! Lastly, please pray for me to have energy and strength for the times I am with the kids. I have been struggling a lot this week with drowsiness and fatigue. Thank you so much for your prayers!
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Hi Amanda! It’s great to see you with the kids having so much fun. But seriously, i can’t believe you guys are holding that giant snake….. EEEK! It must have been really heavy; i think that’s the biggest snake I’ve ever seen!! i know the time you are spending with the kids and the love you are showing them will have a positive impact! I am humbled by your love for and devotion to these children. It’s beautiful to see God at work in you. Dad and I love and miss you so much and we are so proud of all that you are doing. Take care and be well. Love, Mom & Dad
That snake is too much for me to look at. I’m so glad you are doing well, and are enjoying your time with the kiddos. God has given His love to you to share. God bless you and keep the updates coming. Love, Melissa Lenderman
Hi Amanda,
I enlarged that picture, I didn’t know you were holding a snake. Oh, my goodness. Scarry for me. I am sure you are such a blessing to the children as they are to you. Sounds like the children love you being there. I am glad you are going to church with some friends. We are all proud of you and what you are doing. You are truly one of God’s servants. Love, Aunt Dixie
Hi Amanda,
I don’t use my computer very often but I wanted to say that you are truly a blessing for those children and I know they have touched your life like nothing else. God is smiling at all of you! God bless you and keep you well.