Team B – St Petersburg
Hey Mom, Dad, Jared, and all who have been supporting me! It has been so, so amazing here, and I can’t even begin to describe all that has happened so far. But I will say that my heart has definitely been broken for the orphans we’re working with, and I’m not going to want to leave! Thanks for all your prayers; please keep praying! – Joelle
Hi Mom and Lexie, I miss you so much. I have no idea where to begin to describe what is going on here, there is just so much good being done here with these orphans. I feel so honored to work with these kids and teens. I know now that it is going to be so hard to leave; I want to stay and continue working with these kids. Thank for all of your support so far and keep praying!—Lauren
Hi mom and dad!!! I miss you so much!!! I have been having such a good time here! I can’t wait to tell you everything! I am loving working with the kids! I miss you guys and love you so much! I will see you in a couple weeks! Tell Danielle and Zach hi and I love them too- Analeisha
Hi mom, dad, Bryan, Addie, Chase, and Peter. I love you all and hope all is well back home. Bryan your back is in my prayers and so is both of yours and Peters’ last few weeks school. Thank you all for your love and support, it means so much. You’re the best family ever, and I’m constantly reminded of it here. It has been the biggest blessing to be in Russia. Tell nana, papa, and the Church that all is going great. God is good. Please be praying for the 7 teens in particular that three other girls and I are working with. <3 Beth
Hi Mom, Daddy, and Dustin… Have your forgotten about me yet? I miss you and love you all very much. I am safe in this beautiful city. We were fortunate enough to have warm bed, plenty of good food, and hot showers at our finger tips. I feel blessed! I can’t wait to tell you stories when I get home. Happy belated birthday Mom! I love you all so much, don’t forget! –BROOKE.
Hi Mom, Dad, Dalton, Dustin, & Miloh…I miss you guys all so so much! It’s weird not talking to you all every day but I’m having so much fun here. We have seen so much of the city and being with the kids is amazing. They are all so sweet & so much fun. I can’t wait to see you in a couple weeks & tell you about everything. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! XO –Kayla p.s. yes I have both a warm shower (most of the time=) & a super comfy bed).
Hi Mama, Dad, Ryan, and Brett! I miss you all so very much! The trip has been one of the best moments of my life thank you so much again for all your support. I’ve matured so much both spiritually, mentally and emotionally. God has been working through our group in such amazing ways! Even though I am counting down the days to be back in your arms again I am hoping that the time here does not go too fast because I’m in love with every one of these kids! Please continue to pray for us and the kids we are working with. I love you all!—Freizel
Hi mommy, daddy, sissy and big brother!!!! I miss you all a lot! I am so unbelievably blessed and humbled to be here. I feel exactly the way I did when I was done with ITW. So on fire to do His work. I can’t believe I’m here!! I’m working with the teens, its challenging and rewarding but I lovvvvve a challenge from God =] St. Petersburg is sooooo beautiful and old and filled with seriously amazing alleys. I’m obsessed with the art here. I love you all! I’m so far from home! I’ll be home soon though =] – The Funny Daughter, Tawni =]
Hi Mommy and Daddy, and Sugar and Oreo, I miss you more than words can say!!!! It is unbelievable here, you would love it and I can’t wait to tell you about it and show you all of my pictures. I have fallen in love with the kids here and you will be happy to know we only have about 11 little kids that I get to play with, craft with, and love on instead of 50! Such a relief and I love all of my team members, they are all unique and beautiful girls of God. J Thank you for all of your prayers and support we have seriously been blessed beyond anything you can imagine. I love you bunches and I’ll see you soon! Love, Your Princess – Katrina
Hello lovely family and friends! I have already been so blessed by my time here in St. Petersburg. Whether it has been prayer walking the streets, learning the history, or making bracelets with the orphans, I have been overjoyed to feel the Lord expanding my heart for this wonderful city and the deep need for Him here. Please continue to pray for us throughout the rest of our time here. I miss you all and thank you so much for your prayers! Love you~ Hannah
Hello from the beautiful city of St. Petersburg. We are having a good time serving and look forward to many more opportunities to share our love with the children here. Your prayers and support are always appreciated. Dasvidaniya – Rebecca
Team A -Novgorod
We have spent our first official day in Novgorod, and we are truly amazed at the beauty of this gorgeous city. We have faced our fair share of spiritual warfare…from breaking blinds and picture frames to tripping down stairs and ruining clothing; however, God has strengthened us through each one of these crazy events and we are beyond excited for the things that He has in store for us. Today we finally got to meet the children and teens that we have been preparing and praying for these past four months. We did a short skit and played a quick game that allowed us to get to know their names and ages.
They just laughed at us as we tried to pronounce their names and attempt to bridge the seemingly endless language barrier. Despite the humorous beginning, they have already touched our hearts and we look forward to every moment we get to spend with them. Please keep us in your prayers as we begin to form deeper relationships with not only the children and teens, but also the staff. Also, that God will use us in every way possible during these next couple weeks. We look forward to every divine appointment that He has in store for us.
Please leave a comment for the team! They love to hear from you!
Praying daily for you! I know that God is going to and is using you. Tell Theo I love her. -Mom
Hey Team Russia!
Just wanted to let you guys know you’re in my prayers! Enjoy every moment you have with the kids and take lots of pictures whenever you can because you’ll never want to forget the amazing opportunity God has given you with this service project. Give them all the love you have be cause God will restore it ten fold! Tanya I send my love and prayers from the US! I wish I could be with you there so update with pictures PAJULSTA!!
God bless you all. Keep fighting the good fight and yielding to Him!
Ruthie Ceausu
Team Russia B 2010
Praying for you each day. I’m happy to know you have arrived at your destination and are getting to know the children. I know God will bless you and give you the strength you need t continue your ministry.
Great to receive your newsletter and see your smiling faces safely at your destination. It warms our hearts to see you reach out to these children in your service to God. The cool thing is that kindness has no language barrier and you’re making memories for you and them to savor. God be with you all.
So great to get the updates! The pictures are wonderful! You all look great and the kids really look like they are enjoying their time with you. We are praying for boldness and courage to take the step outside your comfort and speak of the love of our great God! I pray that God will give you the words to say to each child and that they will see His love demonstrated through you!
Hugs to Bekah! Love you