CBU: First Teams have arrived!

cbu bOur first 2 teams have arrived!  After long travels, they are on their way home to get some long awaited sleep!

Thank you everyone for your prayers!

Please continue to pray for the teams from CBU as they go through a 3 day training, learning about Russian history and culture, and memorizing some Russian words!

The training empowers the teams to serve even better throughout the camps this month. It is amazing the difference in teams who have learned the background and culture of where they have come to serve.

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Feel free to comment on each post! The comments will be read to the teams daily.

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One Response to CBU: First Teams have arrived!

  1. Brooke Howell says:

    I traveled to Russia and served with SunErgos and Tatiana 2 years ago. It was an amazing trip! There were days that I wanted to quit and go home, and days that I couldn’t stand my team, but it was overall SUCH a great trip, and I wouldn’t trade one minute of it for the world! Tatiana is going to tell you to not get attached to one orphan, but I accidentally got attached to two, and I pray for those two daily to this day. You will see things that will break your heart, but don’t let it break your spirit. Use all of your experiences to draw closer to the LORD, and not further from. Love on those children with all you’ve got, because it is only 3 weeks, and they need a lifetime of love. Praying for you all!

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