Hello again friends and family! We are so happy to be able to update you again with how God is working in Russia. Below is our own personal reflection on the last few days at the HIV Baby Orphanage.
Jessica: I have been so enjoying our time at the orphanage! I have been blessed to work with the babies, taking them for walks and playing with them. They are so thirsty for attention and hugs-they are so precious!!! It is fun to try to communicate with their nannies and try to figure things out. One highlight from today was seeing a couple from Israel who came to see their future son. I was able to briefly talk with them and translate a few small phrases from them to their son. It is encouraging to see this hope of adoption when we see brokenness in the lives of the children. Please pray that we would be able to reflect the love of Christ to the kids and be a blessing to their caregiver’s. Thanks! My newest friend is, Masha, 1,5 year old girl. I picked her up because she was crying and pretty soon she was laughing and smiling. It was contagious-when I would make her laugh, the three other children in the play pen would start laughing too! This is one example of the blessings that I have experienced. I love this little girl so much and can’t wait to be able to spend more time with them all tomorrow!
Nerissa: These last few days I have been experiencing a whirlwind of emotions. I’ve felt excitement and joy in showing the love of God to these children who yearn for it. Marina and I have been working with two different groups of incredible children. It has been a blessing to be able to work with children who return the love you give. I see God’s grace and mercy behind the stare of each child I have the opportunity to meet. Eyes that hold more than just love, but heartache and wonders of Gods glorious world. I met two sweet little boys; Nekita and Veetya, both have completely stolen my heart. I hold them and they just rest their head on my shoulder and I feel complete. Please continue to pray for these kids as our days with them will soon be over. Pray that they will be blessed with a family who will cherish time with them and love them. Pray for health (for the kids and for us), and that God will continue to break and rebuild us. Miss and Love you all!!
And please pray for mosquito bites!
Ashley: These last few days in the Orphanage have been really eye opening for my team and I. These children are SO precious and beautiful! God has blessed me with the opportunity to work in the room with kids with special needs. These kids have really touched my heart and my heart breaks to see them yearning for love and attention. The language barrier has been a little challenging in communicating with the nurses but we found a way to communicate with gestures as well as laughter and smiles. These children are full of so much joy and love despite everything. There are some moments where it is really hard and is in those moments where I just pray. Sometimes all we can do is cover these children, as well as their caregivers, in prayer. This afternoon I was left in the room with the children who were taking naps.
One of the kids, Alina, was sitting on her bed rocking back and forth. She knew I was present in the room but had not given me eye contact. I started singing worship songs to the kids and she stopped, turned and looked at me for a long time listening to me sing and then she slowly laid her head down and fell asleep. Though we have a language barrier and communication is hard, God still touches hearts and moves and works through us in so many ways; His love has no boundaries. I am overwhelmed with His love and joy when I am with these kids. Today I was so blessed by these two precious babies. Their smiles and laughter filled our hearts with such joy! We ask for your continued prayers for these children and the nurses that care for them. Pray that we would be able to show them the love of Christ in different ways and for the children in the orphanage, that they would one day be cared for by loving families. Thank you for keeping us and the children of Russia in your prayers! Your love and support makes all the difference!
With Love, Team RU
What a wonderful surprise to get the email with your updates. My heart is so touched by your words and the pictures are just precious. What wonderful work you are doing for our Lord, and I know you are just as blessed by these children. Keep a song in your heart and a smile on your face. God bless you all. Loves and hugs, Jamie Van Gelder