SPU: Camping on the Gulf of Finland!

Dear family and friends!

We are now camping off the Gulf of Finland at the beautiful campsite that sits just a few steps from the beach. We love it here.

We arrived two days ago after a two hour drive through the country side of Russia. After setting up our things in our tents we each got paired up with a disabled youth and a trained staff member, who we are working with as their assistant.

So far it’s been great! The teens, some of them in wheelchairs, have been enjoying the camping experience as much as we have. We’ve been eating delicious Russian food cooked over the campfire, going on long walks with our teams through the woods and along the beach (which the wheelchairs do surprisingly well in) and then either doing crafts with the teens or taking them swimming. Swimming so far seems to be everyone’s favorite activity; the water is warm and crystal clear.

Although challenging at times, we have all been partnered up nicely with a disabled youth and are getting to know them personally and are happy that we can help them explore and enjoy the great outdoors. SunErgos International partners with the organization we are working with; which is a non-profit that helps families who struggle to support their disabled youth by taking the children, who would otherwise be struck at home, out and to a classroom setting where they can play and simultaneously learn important life skills. Although Russia is working on making changes, many of these families receive no support and since handicap accessibility is rare, mentally and physically disabled people struggle to live a normal life and most are force to stay home and never leave the apartment. Which is why the non-profit and its volunteers is such a wonderful organization, as it gives the teens a chance to experience life as well as allowing the families a bit of a break now and then.

The summer camp is a great way for these teens to leave the city and explore more of the world. We understood how meaningful it was to them the first day we took them swimming! Everyone was splashing, smiling and having the time of their life!

As a group this has been a wonderful bonding experience and we have been enjoying getting to know the people we are working with. Our Russian is improving a lot too!

We will be out here for another week before heading back to St Petersburg for our final few days. Rest assured that we are all safe, healthy and happy. We hope you are all doing well and we love you.

Dosvedanya, the Russia team!

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Here’s a little greeting from each team member:

Deanna: I cannot describe how happy I have been since arriving at camp! The teenager I get to spend time with has the most contagious love for life. Even the small cold I have cannot keep me down.

Vanessa: Preevyet Mom, Dad, David and friends! It is day two at the disabled teens’ camp and it has been GREAT! I feel much more comfortable and helpful here. The camp is gorgeous and I’m slowly learning more and more Russian, this is definitely challenging, but I’m loving it! Love you always!

Emily: Privyet friends and family! I’m having the most fun yet camping on the Gulf of Finland. I am working with a 20 year old girl named Patya. She is sweet. Her mother is the cook at the camp. I have also been on duty with means I have spent a day cooking and cleaning and helping out. It’s been so fun. And we get to swim daily and play volleyball and ultimate Frisbee. And God is teaching me so much here through the challenges and the joys. I can’t wait to share my experiences with you. Love you all!

Jessica: ?????? Family & Friends! We have left city life and gone to full camping mode. God’s handiwork at the Gulf of Finland is so breathtaking. While here I have the opportunity to work with one beautiful little girl who has down syndrome. God is stretching all of us, but it really is such a great experience that I cannot thank Him enough for! Love you guys!

Natalya: Preevyet. I am sitting here at the Gulf of Finland enjoying the pure beauty of God’s creation. This week has been a challenge as I learn how to love this group of disabled teens but it is such a blessing. God is teaching me the power of His healing love and the ultimate strength He provides. Thank you for your prayers. Love, Natalya.

Rachel: Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I’m doing well. Got a stuffy nose but other than that am having a great time. I’ve actually been swimming in the Gulf of Finland, which is big for me. I feel like I’m learning a lot and can’t wait to share when I get back. I love you guys.

Elizabeth: hello from the Gulf of Finland! It is absolutely beautiful here! I’ve already got a nice tan. Camp live is tough, but this is such a great adventure. I am working with a little boy named Dyoma who has cerebral palsy. Looking forward to seeing you all in 12 days.

Shannon: Hello from the Russian wilderness! Camp has been very challenging for me, the first day especially, but I am doing so well now. We are right on the water so I get to go swimming every day. So you know how happy I must be! Love you all and can’t wait to share all my stories!

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9 Responses to SPU: Camping on the Gulf of Finland!

  1. Ainsley Young says:

    Hi Deanna! We love reading about your activities and seeing the photos! What a gorgeous place to camp. Conquer that cold!
    With love,
    Grandpa and Grandma
    Uncle Randy and Aunt Ainsley

  2. pamvolker says:


    It looks like you are experiences a trip of a life-time. God bless you with strength and joy in the midst of your adventure.

    Pam Volker

  3. Pam Orr says:

    Shannon: Wow- this is a great experience- being out of the city. I’m sure you are happy to have water to swim in- did you get your wish to give swimming lessons? I love seeing the photos, especially ones with children and campers with crafts! I’m sure that the big suitcase of craft supplies is going to good use! I’ll be gone without internet access from Sunday til Sat. the 30th. But will check in as soon as I get home. Call me when you get into New York! Can’t wait to see you! Love, Mom

  4. jaye leatherman says:

    I knew our camping experience during our road trip last summer would come in handy, Deanna!! Any thunderstorms or nightime creatures?!!! Sounds like a couple of you have colds. Sorry to hear that, but try to drink lots of fluids and get some rest (ha!) and have lots of Borscht (russian chicken soup?). Are you sharing the American tradition of smores around the campfire? Or maybe burning mittens around the campfire? I am so proud of all of you and what wonderful people you are.

  5. Mark Casady says:

    What fabulous pictures! The forest & the beach must be such an awesome experience for these kids. Jesus would spend his time walking and talking with these kids and in fact he is! What an amazing example of his love you are all pouring out there. Can’t wait to hear more when you return to the states.

    Mark Casady

  6. Alex says:

    Sounds like your having a great time out there! Praying that God moves in your group. Love you Jess.

  7. Mary Lowenberg says:

    You can most clearly see the face of God in the least, the littlest and the last. Love you!

  8. Stacey says:

    Natalya, We are following your Russian adventure. Pleased to see photos and the blog. See you in Oregon. Love, Aunt Stacey

  9. Eliza says:

    George (vane). I hope your having s great time! Deego and I miss you and can’t wait for all the stories you will have :). Take care be safe love ya!!! <3. Ringo!

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