Living the story is always better than hearing it.
I’ve been hearing about this story for several years now. My girlfriend, at the time, talked about visiting Russia to work at an orphanage. She talked about every kid and the love she had for each. She talked about happy stories but also sad and heartbreaking stories. She was living out a good story and her emotion and enthusiasm led me to want to one day experience it with her. Move ahead three years to now and that girlfriend I had is now my wife and that story she told is now one I can live out with her.
These kids we serve are all in limbo. They wait in the orphanage for a month to a couple of years waiting for the documentation to keep them in the country, a family member to pick them up from the center, or be moved to an orphanage closer to their hometown. Something consistent is so far and few for these kids, who have little in their own name. But our team’s presence doesn’t make us knights in shining armor coming in to save the day. Nor are we a fix to such a large problem. But with a lack in those areas, we are strong in this: being present and being consistent. And it’s starting to show.
We’ve been seeing these kids on a daily basis now and they are starting to know our names, or sometimes, make up names for us. The older kids all want to be a part of our day, which is still an amazing surprise to me, and the younger ones all want to be a part of our love and affection. Each kid, young and old, has found the person(s) God has tied them together with
while our team is here. It’s beautiful really. Even with a language barrier in place, an understanding of the other is still formed. A notion of “you are important to me” is beginning to be drilled deep into some of the kid’s hearts and minds, we pray.
We still have two weeks here and there is still work to be done. We still have plenty to prepare. But when you do the work, God seems to have a way of making it work. So we march onward under a blanket of all of your prayers and run the race God has asked us to participate in. Because when we follow God, He doesn’t ask us to hear about all He has in store, He asks us to be a part of it.
Written by Kylan Frost, Team Member
What a wonderful wonderful story….I could feel the emotion and imagine, even if I didn’t understand the language, how as a child, could easily feel consistent love provided…you kids are doing an amazing job of providing that comfort…fun…safety…love…which is I’m sure just what they need. Thank you for being feet/hands/voice of God…I love you all…always in our prayers.
It is evident that God is truly doing a good work through each of you. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and for making a difference in the lives of these children. You are an inspiration to us all. We continue to pray for the team and for the kids as your relationships with them deepen. May God continue to watch over you and bless you in abundant and unexpected ways. We love you!
I love this story! Saying yes to God and to love! May His light continue to shine bright for the children!
What a way to spend three weeks. This is true mission work . What you are building here cannot be destroyed by time as it comes from the heart and will last a lifetime. A child does not forget the good times . Each of you may be responsible for some very positive outcomes in the future for what you are doing. You may not know about it or remember the names of those you now share your love with but , GOD will remember all of the names and you will be rewarded.
Kylan, I know you are a blessing to these orphans and they look forward to seeing your smiling face each day. Although you are only there for three weeks, the love you give and the love of God that you share, they will remember for a life time.
Kylan, Thank you for sharing your story and experiences in Russia. I am not a bit surprised that you are quickly connecting with the children you are so unselfishly serving. You are surely blessing them as you do for all who’s life you touch. We are so fortunate to have you as a blessing in our family.