Nothing is Uncertain to God

seattle teamYesterday marked the final day with the kids at the orphanage. It was a beautiful day, full of laughter, games, craziness, but also some saddened hearts in having to leave. (No matter where you are, kids will never turn down a surprise party with surprise gifts.)  But even with us ending our time in Russia and heading back to the States today, it all feels so far from the end. We don’t know where the kids will end up: if a family member will pick them up or if they will get transferred to a closer orphanage. We don’t quite know how this experience will change us in the long-term nor do we know if we will return to Russia. As as much as we all love certainty, there is far too much uncertainty left ahead.

A friend of mine once told me we were just like the disciples living in the day after Jesus was crucified. Saturday Nothing, he called it. That Saturday, the disciples probably paced back and forth, uncertain of what will happen to them next, uncertain of what lay ahead. They didn’t know Sunday was going to be a magical day yet. And here we are also, in Saturday; after Jesus ascended up into Heaven but before He returns.

meaghan with girlTime of uncertainty is still so hard. Even when we know how the end of the story will turn out, seeing pain and suffering in the present, the Saturday, is no easy task. But I think we still have to continue to fight (2 Thessalonians 3:13). We still have to continue to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and see the unseen (Matthew 25: 37-40). Jesus asks us to not just be spectators but be players in the game. Our team heard the call, said “Here I am Lord, send me,” and set out to do the tasks He asked of us.

And now?.. Now we have to hand it over to God and trust that He’ll take care of the rest. We have to trust loving families will pick up their children. We have to trust others will enter the children’s lives and mentor and show a little more of whom God is to them. We must trust and know that whatever happens, God is still sovereign and great. We have to trust God in the uncertain because we must know that nothing is uncertain to God.

Written by Kylan Frost.

P.S. Please pray for safe travels as the team flies back home today.

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One Response to Nothing is Uncertain to God

  1. james watkins says:

    Life is full of many Saturdays . all we can do is make sure that on the other days we try to give our best and leave the future in GODS hands. From the pictures posted and the smiles seen you have represented GOD well. Bless you all and have a safe trip home .

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